Welcome to Our Parish Website

We Invite You to Join Us in Worship and Fellowship

The Worship of God - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, - is fundamental to the life and spirit of the Orthodox Church. Please join us every Sunday morning for Orthros (Matins) at 8:45 AM, Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM, followed by our fellowship coffee hour in the parish hall.


To watch the live stream of the Services, click on this link or on the image. You will be taken to the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church You Tube Channel.  There, beginning on Saturday, you will see a small video screen with a red rectangle  below it, inscribed with the word "LIVE."  Click anywhere on the video screen and the streaming will begin.  The link will also be available on the Holy Cross Facebook Page.


Orthodox worship is like visiting heaven while on earth. Visitors are welcome to join us for services which are conducted predominantly in English.

Please consult the calendar for the schedule of events.


Ways to Give

Please  send your stewardship to the Church by mail to: PO BOX 2164, Flagstaff 86003, or use the eGiving tool by clicking the image below:

eGiving Link