Parish Ministries
We welcome you to learn about and consider joining some of our parish ministries. There are many great ways to get involved.
OCF (Orthodox Christian Fellowship) at NAU
If you are a University or College student in Flagstaff and are interested in being a member of our Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) Chapter at Northern Arizona University, please reach-out to Fr. Basil. Also, if you know a student who would be interested please also let Father Basil know. Elyce Morris-Gemoets, Silvan Negrutiu and James Joiner are serving as advisors to the OCF Chapter.
Sunday Coffee Hour and Clean Up
If you would like to host coffee hour, please find the sign-up sheet located on the Church bulletin board. Instructions are also provided for clean-up after coffee hour. Because of life-threating nut allergies, please insure that any food shared (including koliva for memorials) be nut-free. Thank you!
Outreach - Flagstaff Family Food Center
We at Holy Cross volunteer for dinner service at FFFC on the first Saturday of each month from 3-6 pm. Adults and responsible young people 10 years+ can volunteer with a parent.
Parish Council
The Parish Council is composed of faithful men and women who are dedicated Orthodox Christians and who sacrifice their time, talents, and resources for the Church. We represent the parish, as clergy and laity together, and seek to fulfill the mission ascribed to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Altar Servers
In the Eastern Orthodox Church, altar servers assist the higher clergy during services. They might carry the cross, candles or liturgical fans in processions and entrances.
Religious Education
The Church School program fosters spiritual learning through age-appropriate lessons, which may include an introduction to church feasts, fasts and liturgical practices, prayers, Bible stories, crafts and projects, and liturgical songs.
Chanters / Readers
Music plays an integral role in the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church. Learn more about the mixed voice choir for Divine Liturgy or the Byzantine Choir for Vespers, Orthros, and other services.
Any of the ministries organizers can be contacted through